Zoom Conference and Seminar Video Editing

For this client we edit their full (usually 60 minute) conference and seminar videos then produce a summary, teaser or video trailer to feature the highlights of that particular presentation. Typically recorded via Zoom our objective is to tighten it up by deleting extraneous material or anomalies that may have occurred during the live session. These can be technical glitches interruptions or side-tracks that have little or no relevance or value to the overall topic. In addition we add a significant amount of visual context that makes the video look more like a complete unique production and less like a generic Zoom recording.

The full productions are offered as proprietary content and delivered to their members behind a paywall but below are a few of the public facing trailers or video summaries.

In the case of these next summary samples the live video was produced as part of an in-person presentation with extensive Powerpoint slides.

These are examples of how your slide deck can be incorporated in post-production with the live video for a more enjoyable viewing experience. Video viewers run the risk of being bored by simply watching a panel discussion or having the camera swing back and forth between the Powerpoint screen in the room. Also incorporating the Powerpoint during editing provides a higher quality picture as opposed to shooting video of the screen in the room which typically does not look very good.

Switching between digitally edited close-ups of the speakers and the original wide-shot adds further visual variety. This approach is more comparable to a television cable news or interview style broadcast which is more familiar and enjoyable for viewers.