Video Email Campaign
A client recently reported to us that an animated GIF email video we produced for her several months before was the best producing email she had sent in the past year. Based on that we agreed to create a plan that would include a new email video every month for the next year.
Here are a few of the ideas we have created. Keep in mind that these videos cannot have audio and must be comprised of images and text only. However you will see by the examples below that this is still very effective and some might argue even preferable in a business environment where unexpected audio is not always welcome.
Think about how your clients and prospects would react if they received a video email message inside your next promotional email.
To see how an animated video looks in action send an email to No need to add a message it is an autoresponder and in fact we will never even see you message. It’s just a sample for you.
Then using these as inspiration contact us to discuss your own campaign.